

 ECOSYSTEM Various kinds of life support in systems like the forests, grasslands,oceans, lakes, rivers, mountains,deserts, and estuaries so wide variation in their structural composition and functions. However, they all are alike in the fact that they consists of living entities interacting with their surroundings exchanging matter and how do these different units like a hot desert, a dense evergreen forest, the Antarctic sea or a shallow pond differ in the type of their flora and fauna, how do they derive there energy and nutrients to live together, how do they influence each other and regulates their established are the questions that are answerd by ecology.                 The term ecology was coined by Earnest Haeckel in 1869. It is derived from the Greek word OIKOS- home+logos-study. So ecology deals with the study of organisms in their natural home interacting with their surroundings. The surroundings or environment consists of other living organisms called biotic components and


 Water is an indispensable natural resource on this earth on which all life depends. About 97% of the earth's surface is covered by water and most of the animals and plants have 60-65% water in their body. WATER IS A UNIQUE RESOURCE Water is characterized by certain unique features which make it a marvellous resources: It exists as a liquid over a wide range of temperature i.e. from 0°C to 100°C. It has the highest specific heat due to which it worms up and cool down very slowly without causing shocks of temperature jerks to the aquatic life. It has a high latent heat of vaporization. Hence, it takes a huge amount of energy for getting vaporized. That's why it produce a cooling effect as it evaporates. It is an excellent solvent for several nutrients. Thus, it can serve as a very good carrier of nutrients, including oxygen, which are essential for life. But, it can also easily dissolve various pollutants and become a carrier of pathogenic microorganisms. Due to high surface ten


 A RESOURCE Life on this planet earth depends upon a variety of goods and services provided by the nature,which are known as Natural resources. Water, air,soil, minerals,coal, forest,crops,and wildlife are all example of natural resources. Any stock or resever that can be drawn from nature is natural resources. Natural resources are of two kinds: Renewable resource which are in exhaustive and can be regenerated within a given span of time for example forests, wildlife, wind energy, biomass energy, tidal energy, hydro power etc. Solar energy is also a renewable form of energy as it is an in exhaustible source of energy. Non-renewable resources which cannot be regenerated for example Fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, minerals etc. Once we exhaust these reserves, the same cannot be replenished.           Even our renewable resources can become non renewable if we exploi dam to such extent that their rate of consumption exceeds their rate of regeneration. For example, if a species is expl


 Environment is complex and has multifarious aspects. Environmental studies deals with working of earth, its life-support system, it's interaction, influences,it's problems and solutions. Keeping in view the complex nature of environment, knowledge and information from various disciplines of science, social science, law and engineering have to be included in environmental studies to understand it completely. Life Sciences including botany, zoology, microbiology, genetics and biochemistry help in understanding the biotic component and their interactions.Genetics and biotechnology are amazing as useful tools for finding solution to environmental problems. For understanding the physical and chemical structure of abiotic components of environment along with mass and energy transfers we have to make use of the basic concept of physics, chemistry, geology, atmospheric science, oceanography and geography. Mathematics, statistics and computer science likewise server as effective tools

Introduction of Environmental Studies

INTRODUCTION  Nowadays, the study of environmental education is required for every citizen.The NCERT has introduced a new curriculum and develop the EVS textbook for class 3 to 4 in an integrated form. The NPE 1986 to create consciousness of the environment ant all section of society. The geographical environment is mainly concerned with the interaction between physical and cultural environment. The natural and cultural environment combine to form the total environment and man survives in this environment. If they wants to survive they have to maintain ecological balance. Ecology and environment are interrelated. The ecology means the study of organisms in their natural habitat.   As Odum  define ecology as the study of relation of organism or the science of inter relationships between living organism and their environment. Encyclopedia of Britamica define that it is the science of inter relationships of organisms to one another and to other factors that comprise their environment. The